Dazz Letellier new single I love me more

Dazz Letellier new single

LETELLIER again leaves us in shock after the release of several
promotional pictures of her upcoming video "I love me more."

Andlazz Inc., September 13, 2014, New
York, NY. With a very different style of singing and composing, as many
have already expressed both in her presentations and her recordings,
DAZZ LETELLIER again leaves us in shock after the release of several
promotional pictures of her upcoming video "I love me more." "I love me
more" is the latest musical creation of this talented artist who now
presents us with some beautiful melodies about the harsh reality of
domestic violence, another social issue that the artist has incorporated
in her repertoire, as are “War Soldier,” “Behind the Bars,” “”When
Angels Talk, and many more.

"I love me more" has remained in the
top 10 chart for independent music for six consecutive weeks without it
being released officially at digital stores, it already has reached
more than 25,000 plays as a singer /songwriter.

Listen to "I love me more:”



Why the song “I love me more?”

If a person cannot speak due to fear ....... I hope they can at least
hear me. I recently received a message from two fans telling me that “I
love me more” was their life story and they thanked me for writing it.
These short sentences touched the finest fibers of my soul, and my heart
wanted to jump out of my chest, I thought ... somewhere in the world
two people are taking their first steps to love themselves much more. I
was full of joy because I felt that I was able to help them in some way.

“I love me more” because true love does not hurt. People are
wrong to believe that when we mention the word violence, we are
referring only to physical abuse toward another individual. Emotional
abuse is the same or worse than physical abuse, and what about violence
against animals? And they can’t even speak. GOD has given me a special
talent just as he gives all his children. I am a firm believer that
music is not just created for dancing, laughing or to mourn, it is also
an easy way to give positive, educational and helpful information to
all who hear it. Thus, I love me more.

How about those photos and your images?

It is difficult to look at the pictures, even for someone like me.
Neither my family nor my followers where very happy with the images. The
point is not really to draw attention, but then again that is the
point, to get attention. We cannot turn our backs to this serious issue,
thank GOD this is not my specific situation, but unfortunately many
people end up like the pictures in real life.

As for the
pictures, violence does not discriminate against any social status,
gender, religion, race, etc.... The pictures bring awareness to people,
I've never been afraid of any external change, because my essence is
always the same and never changes.

"I love me more" is available on all mayor digital platforms. Official video release Sept-Oct 2014.

Latest news

http://mp3days.com/download-mp3/156754377.html Dazz Letellier music has
been download digitally more than half million times worldwide.


Yonel Sosa












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